Lasers help speed up the natural fading process by shattering the large ink particles into smaller pieces that the macrophages can more easily consume and get rid of. During a treatment, our Q-switched laser emits different wavelengths of light energy onto a tattoo, targeting certain tattoo ink colors. The ink particles absorb the light energy, heat up and shatter into tiny fragments. Your body’s immune system then follows the natural course of disposing of the ink particles through your lymphatic system.
No matter the size of your tattoo or the colors used, virtually all patients require multiple treatments. Over the weeks following each treatment, you will witness your tattoo fade increasingly until no ink is visible in the skin.
In order to understand how laser tattoo removal works, it’s helpful to know why it’s needed in the first place. What makes a tattoo so appealing (and sometimes regretful) is its permanency. So how are tattoos permanent? When a tattoo is applied, ink particles are embedded deep into the skin’s dermal layer, aka the deepest layer of skin. Whenever a tattoo gun or needle penetrates the skin, your immune system is alerted of the puncture wound and sends cells called macrophages to repair the skin.
These macrophages continuously eat away at the foreign ink and naturally dispose of them through your blood stream. However, due to the large size of the ink particles, the macrophages are only able to scrape away small pieces at a time, which explains why tattoos remain permanently trapped in the skin while gradually fading after long periods of time.

Many patients wonder why laser tattoo removal requires more than one treatment, and why these treatments are typically spaced across a generous span of time. Ultimately, complete tattoo removal requires numerous treatments spaced several weeks apart due to different variables that are specific to each individual like activity levels, water consumption, age and location of tattoo. if there is scarring present, etc.
For most patients, completely removing a tattoo will require anywhere between 5 and 10 treatments, with 6-8 weeks between each treatment. Multiple treatments are needed because it is virtually impossible to shatter all of the tattoo ink in a single treatment session. When a tattoo is administered on the skin, the tattoo artist injects ink at varying depths of the dermis. The laser used to shatter the ink must begin with the shallowest layers of ink, which will absorb the laser’s energy first. Then, the body must be allowed time to naturally flush out the shattered ink, eventually allowing deeper layers to be treated effectively. Additionally, the time between treatments permits the body to heal naturally, dramatically reducing the risk of scarring or other unwanted complications.
Many patients wonder why laser tattoo removal requires more than one treatment, and why these treatments are typically spaced across a generous span of time. Ultimately, complete tattoo removal requires numerous treatments spaced several weeks apart due to different variables that are specific to each individual like activity levels, water consumption, age and location of tattoo. if there is scarring present, etc.
For most patients, completely removing a tattoo will require anywhere between 5 and 10 treatments, with 6-8 weeks between each treatment. Multiple treatments are needed because it is virtually impossible to break up and flush out all of the tattoo ink in a single treatment session. When a tattoo is administered on the skin, the tattoo artist injects ink at varying depths of the dermis. The laser used to shatter the ink must begin with the shallowest layers of ink, which will absorb the laser’s energy first. Then, the body must be allowed time to naturally flush out the shattered ink, eventually allowing deeper layers to be treated effectively. Additionally, the time between treatments permits the body to heal naturally, dramatically reducing the risk of scarring or other unwanted complications.
If you’ve been doubting or second-guessing your tattoo, give us a call and we’ll help erase your unwanted ink! Ink Doubt provides free consultations and tattoo assessments for all patients throughout Denver, Englewood, and beyond. Schedule a visit and speak with one of our expert laser technicians today!
One of the characteristics that make tattoos such a fun, creative form of self-expression is the ability to create a tattoo using any color imaginable. Tattoos come in a wide range of colors, from simple black and white to vibrant, colorful shades. The varying colors of a tattoo absorb and reflect light differently, interacting with certain wavelengths to produce the impression of color that you see with your eyes.
Because laser tattoo removal works through the absorption of laser light, it’s important to consider the specific colors within the tattoo. Your technician will need to evaluate your tattoo in order to determine the specific wavelengths of laser light to use, in order to ensure the optimal removal results. For multi-colored tattoos, technicians often utilize varying wavelengths for removal to be effective. Although there are a few common wavelengths that are generally successful in treating about 95 percent of tattoos, a handful of unique ink colors require a specialized approach. For this reason, it’s important to choose a skilled technician that has a wide range of wavelengths at their disposal.